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Inspirations from the drawings of Oskar Schlemmer -discovering “the invisible linear network of planimetric and stereometric relationships”

Idea sketches of mine,2019

Bodily Movement

Do you have ever considered how is your body able to walk, or pick up a cup, or drink a coffee? Actually, we are constantly doing extremely “complex actions” in daily life. For example, we need to combine different joints and muscles to walk and also balance and coordinate with other bodies. It is not as simple as you think. Also, we don't need specific control and thinking to coordinate these different feelings and parts of the body. Because the human body has an ability to organize and coordinate the body's actions to accomplish a goal, while also providing a sense of space and direction for the subject. This phenomenon is called "body schema" by Merleau-Ponty.

Body schema is "the collection of processes that registers the posture of one's body parts in space. The schema is updated during body movement. This is typically a non-conscious process and is used for the spatial organization of action23."According to Merleau-Ponty, "the body image is the way of stating that my body is in-the-world." I interpret this notion of the body as geometrical lines and dots. If all of the motions come to slow down, the actions we made turn into dots and lines and meet up with specific points and then link all the connections through the body. It seems that the body has several coordinates, yet we are also building new coordinates repeatedly. The body responds precisely with each grid and records into reacting motors on our skin or bodily memories; when we enter a new space, our kinesthetic awareness automatically projects this information into the new environment. The body has a dialogue with space before it embodies it.

Moreover, from the point of Merleau-Ponty, "space does not exist by itself24." Bodily space is multi-layered, and its existence is a projection toward lived goals and expressed through its spatiality25Thus, we can say the body is not “in” space but more like "lives" or "inhabits" it26In other words, the bodily presence entitles the meaning to space, meanwhile space allows the bodily imprint.

23.Wikipedia, “Body Schema”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_schema
24.Marco Cesario,”The primacy of perception in the era of communication”,8.09.2008. https://www.resetdoc.org/story/the-primacy-of-perception-in-the-era-of-communication/25.The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “Maurice Merleau-Ponty”,First published Wed Sep 14, 2016. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/merleau-ponty/#PhenPerc26.Ibid.,